About eTroves

eTroves is four pillars of being just to its customers, to artisans, to the heritage, to arts which are being lost to the mechanical world. It strives to preserve craftsmanship, the rich heritage of woodwork and to bring this to its customer’s doorstep a world class product. We proudly believe that generational linkages and strong bonding that exists between the craftsmen customized products will only improve and get further cemented by our platform.

eTroves is an effort to preserve extinguishing Indian Traditional Arts which is being got lost in the materialistic world. We are conscious of this social call, thus we strive to integrate technology to heritage and bring you these exclusive products through the online medium which is delivered at your doorstep. 

Hope you will find Exclusive, Unique and Rare State of the Art Handmade Products in just one click. 


Team eTroves